
How To Make Paper?

Victor Rivera
4 min readDec 6, 2023

Paper, an essential part of our daily lives, has been around for centuries, serving as a medium for communication, art, and documentation. While we may take it for granted, creating your paper can be a rewarding and eco-friendly endeavor. In this guide, we’ll delve into the art of making paper from scratch, exploring the materials, processes, and techniques involved in this age-old craft.

how to make paper
Image by Juraj Varga from Pixabay


To embark on your paper-making journey, gather the following materials:

Cellulose Rrich Material

Start with a base of cellulose-rich material, commonly obtained from recycled paper, old newspapers, cardboard, or even plant fibers like cotton and linen. This will be the primary ingredient for your homemade paper.


Adequate water is essential for the paper-making process. Make sure you have a water source and containers for soaking and blending the materials.

Mold And Deckle

Invest in or create a mold and deckle — the fundamental tools for shaping and forming your paper. The mold is a screen-like frame, and the deckle is a frame without a screen, placed on top of the mold to control the size of the paper.

Blender Or Beater

