
When The First Telephone Was Invented It Was Called By Most The Box Telephone, Why?

Victor Rivera
6 min readNov 24, 2021
when the first telephone was invented
Photo by Boston Public Library on Unsplash

Ever wonder who invented the telephone and what it took to get it to where it is today. If your answer is yes, then we’re in the same boat. The evolution of the telephone has certainly been a long and painful process. From the first telephone to the smartphone we use today it’s hard to believe that an invention can keep moving forward like this one did and still keep going. The credit for inventing the first practical telephone has always been given to Alexander Graham Bell an inventor that was born back in 1847. He also co-founded the American Telephone and Telegraph company also known as AT&T. It’s crazy to think that this company has been alive since 1885. It has been a long time and they’re still in service. Finding himself constantly surrounded by research on speech, language, and sound which was pushed by his parents because of their hearing conditions. This is also true for his wife which also suffered from a hearing condition. Even with all this he never accepted himself as the inventor of the telephone as it was what he considered to be an intrusion on his work as a scientist. It was in 1876 that he was awarded the first US patent for the telephone.

